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Frequent Questions & Troubleshooting
Having difficulties on your setup or with the connectors itself? Maybe these articles can help.
Downgrading App Store permissions from Admin to Sales and Reports + App Manager
What's the difference between a Rating and a Review?
"Does one subscription covers both connections App Store and Play Store - or do I have o acquire two subscriptions?
"Which permissions do I need to give Easy App Reports to pull data?"
"Will I find the same data I see on my console on Easy App Reports?"
Hot Questions about the App Store Analytics API
How to fix: "an agreement is missing, has not been signed, or has expired"It can be fixed in seconds once you provide what Apple's looking for.
How to fix the error: "Exception <fieldname> was not found in the schema"Whenever you see this, just "Refresh Fields" of your data source
How to Refresh Fields on Google Looker Studio
There are too many scripts running simultaneously for this Google user account - Looker Studio Error