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Gaps in your App Store Analytics data? Here's what you can do about it.
Gaps in your App Store Analytics data? Here's what you can do about it.
Romulo Gomes avatar
Written by Romulo Gomes
Updated over a week ago

What's going on exactly?

Although we're happy with the introduction of the App Store Analytics API in 2024, we noticed that many of our customers are struggling with situations like:

  • No historical data since Jan 1, 2024

  • Data gaps on the historical data since Jan 1, 2024 to today

  • Data gaps on the "ongoing reports"

We're seeing situations like those described above in apps from multiple countries, monetization models, and different sizes and categories. This evidence indicates that these are not isolated cases but more like a systemic issue on Apple's new API.

Here's what we can do: reach out to Apple's support

  • Login on your App Store Connect account

  • Go to Apple's support page (Development and Technical > "APIs and Keys")

  • Select "Email"

  • Send a message explaining what gaps do you see on our data and asking what can they get t fixed.

Please do report your case to us once your hear back from them so we can follow-up and redownload your data - hopefully without any gaps and inconsistencies.

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